Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Some lesser-talked about family Vets

-Since Nate and I both have Mayflower ancestors, we probably have some Revolutionary War soldiers in our families, but neither of us know about that. One more thing to look into!
-My Grandpa Stricklan's grandpa William and his brother fought on opposite sides of the Civil War. William was in Indiana by then, so he fought for the Union.
-My Grandpa Stricklan's uncle Frank was in the Air Force in WWI.
-My Grandpa Paul Stricklan was requested to stay in Idaho and keep his sheep and milk route during WWII to help with the food shortage.
-Nate's grandpa fought in WWII and Korea. His brother Gene also fought in WWII.
-My mom was born on Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma but I can't be sure why. (For someone interested in family history I sure know next to nothing, right?)
-Nate's cousin Ryan was a Marine in the early 2000's. He served at least two tours in the Middle East.

And here are some rather random soldier photos that my Grandma Stricklan kept in her family albums:
Paul's cousin Lester Miller born 1918

Virginia and Bill Palmer

1 comment:

  1. My dad was in the Air Force Reserves & was called up to active duty (Cuban Missile Crisis? I think). For some reason he didn't qualify as a veteran, tho. Maybe he wasn't on active duty long enough?
